Rapid Access Urology Clinic
The Urology clinic provides a wide range of services including, A full range of assessment dealing with conditions/symptoms such as:
- Erectile dysfunction clinic (Viagra clinic)
- STD (sexually transmitted diseases) Clinic
- Infertility assessment and treatment, including sperm count analysis
- Difficulty urinating
- Prostrate problem, including testing of urine flow (urodynamics)
- Prostate and testicular cancer
- Bladder dysfunction in men and women
- Ultrasound of prostate, testes and bladder
- Vasectomy
- Many more...
7 Fun Facts About Men's Urinary Tract Health
- Men are more likely than women to develop kidney stones (nearly twice as likely)
- The urinary bladder can store up to 700 ml of urine in men (as opposed to 500 ml in women)
- Urinary shivers are more common in men than women- it is not entirely known why they happen. They may happen due to a sudden drop of the blood pressure, and/or body temperature drop and/or mixed signals in your nervous system.
- Low testosterone levels are more common in men who have type 2 diabetes, overweight and/or obesity
- When one kidney has reduced function or is absent, the other kidney may undergo compensatory enlargement
- Each kidney is about the size of a fist
- An enlarged prostate does not increase your chances of developing prostate cancer