Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

May 29, 2018 Source: Internal - Gleb Danylov

Ever experience numbness or pain in your hand and wrist after typing away for long periods of time? What you are experiencing is known as carpal tunnel syndrome and is a result from the build up of pressure on your median nerve. The median nerve is responsible for sensation and feeling in your hand and wrist and has innervations to many of the muscles there as well. The reason it is called carpal tunnel is because the median nerve is contained below a sheet of ligaments that forms a sort of tunnel with the bones of your wrist, or carpals.

The most common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is due to swelling in your wrist from other underlying medical conditions. This is especially the case for diseases which are associated with an increase in inflammation around your body such as arthritis, thyroid dysfunction and diabetes. Additionally, repeated movements with your hand and overextension of the wrist can further increase your chances of developing carpal tunnel.

The risks of getting carpal tunnel are three times higher in women than men. Moreover people between the ages of 30 and 60 have an increased chance of developing inflammation in their wrist, as there is increased wear and tear of the ligaments over time. Furthermore jobs that require repetitive wrist movements such as keyboarding occupations, construction work, manufacturing jobs contribute to the increase in risk of developing this condition.

Your doctor can diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome by performing a medical test called the nerve conduction study. This checks how well your nerves are working and whether or not there is any obstruction on how fast the impulse is travelling down the nerve. The doctor may also take in to account your previous medical history as there are certain lifestyle choices that increase your risks of getting carpal tunnel syndrome.

A surgeon would only recommend that surgery be done if your syndrome has become extremely sever, in other cases they would suggest using these home remedies. Taking a break from your work is important especially if you are starting to notice weakness or pain in your wrist from long periods of working with your hands. Also, to relieve stress of the wrist, you can keep it in a neutral position that would not further exacerbate the condition.